Our first outdoor activity - Spring Board Motivational Talk was held on 22 May 2010. Special thanks to Mr Azdy (speaker), Ustaz Jamil & Mr Azri from Sheikh Tahir Observatory who help to make this event a success. And of course to all the volunteer. :)
The event start a bit late due to some technical problem but alhamdulliah everything went smooth after that. It was attended by 13 kids from Nasyiatul Aisyiah - 8 primary school & 5 high school student. The primary kids of course excited with this activity but abang2 yg high school initially seems to be in paksa-rela mode. Anyway, as the talk started, Mr Azdy able to gain the interest from the kids with his humorous approach. Before we know the kids already started enjoying themselves.
It started with Ustaz Jamil opening the ceremony with doa followed by Mr Azri gave some introduction regarding Sheikh Tahir Observatory. He also touch a little bit regarding Astronomi. Then there is a short video regarding a man born legless & handless but able to live his life to fullest. After the video, Rafeek gave some summary on the video. Then the majlis is pass to Mr Azdy. During his talk, he touch on the important of "no give up" attitudes, the reason why we should strive for better education & why/how to success. Beside motivational talk, Mr Azdy also shared a few tips on memorizing keywords, multiplcation etc . There is a few games to keep the kids awake & interested.
At the end, the kids are given opportunity to see the sun but we are a bit unlucky that all the telescope were brought out that day for some exhibition outside so we just settle with a smaller viewing device ( x ingat apa nama dia) to see the sun. Maybe next time we can arrange another trip to see the star :). Then we proceed for some tour for the observatory before end the day.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Those little angels
Salam all,
Wow.. Haha, sedar tak sedar, dh almost 8 bulan tak update blog nie. My sincere appologies for that. By the way, for those whom are wondering what are the becoming of this project, Alhamdulillah, things are still going strong. With at least 12 and still counting (thanks Nani and Rafeek for joining!) commited volunteers on this project, we do hope and pray, may this smallest effort will be able to support those kids to paint their futures. May them be bright, with vibrant colours and lots of love and success. To see each of them bloom well and happy, nothing is more fullfilling than that. O' All-Mighty, give us strength to go on to spread your love and pay our share of responsibilities in assisting one another. Ameen.
So, after quite a long break, we are again back to NAP last Saturday. Those kids certainly looked really happy to see the familiar faces again. Sampai2 jer, terus Amysha tanya, "Kenapa cikgu dah lama tak datang? Amysha rindu tau". Terkelu juga lidah nak menjawab jadinya. Bukannya sebab tak boleh nak beritahu sebab sebenar kami tak dapat datang beberapa minggu sebelum tu, tapi lebih kepada rasa terharu bila dengar luahan hati seorang anak kecil, yang kami hanya jumpa seminggu sekali, tapi sangat menghargai dan menantikan kehadiran kami saban minggu. Moga-moga selepas ini, kami takkan biarkan Amysha dan yg lain tertunggu-tunggu kehadiran kami lagi. Insya'allah.
Untuk aktiviti minggu lepas, Sue's back in her game, ajar adik2 yang belum fasih membaca; Amin, Aideed dan Naqiu belajar ABC. Jadi, things were left to Ejah and I utk buat aktiviti utk Aiman, Mustakim, Saffiyyah dan Amysha. Aliff tak dapat datang for some reasons. Kudos to Ejah for a creative idea, Sabtu tu, we end up asking them to paint picture pasal "Alien". Kami suruh adik2 ni imagine, macammana rupa "Alien" ni. Apa dorang makan, transport dorg etc. Besides, selepas jer siap melukis, kami suruh dorg buat karangan mengenai lukisan "Alien" dorg tu.
Mula2 agak susah juga utk suruh dorg start melukis dan imagine, tapi, once Ejah dah start sama-sama melukis "Alien" versi Teletubies (and yes, she can draws well) and I tunjuk my really bad drawing of "Alien" versi kucing, dorg mula rasa seronok and used their imaginations to draw dan buat cerita based on their drawings. We end up having many forms of aliens and lots of interesting stories from their point of views. Selesai je semua mengarang, setiap adik2 ni kami suruh bentangkan hasil kerja depan semua.
So, in all, this week activity get them to learn using their imagination to enhance creative thinking, improving their spellings and essay writing skills, making them practice and gain confidence in presenting their ideas and stories and the best part of this activity is they had fun doing it. Even Amin, Aideed and Naqiu volunteerily joining this activity once their session with Sue completed. I did took some videos of their presentation last week together with their creative masterpieces for your viewing. So, till then, enjoy! Sayang adik2 semua! :)
Aiman: Nama makhluk asing ini adalah Fabrigas. Dia mempunyai sepuluh orang adik beradik. Warna kegemaran Fabrigas adalah hijau. Cita-cita Fabrigas adalah untuk menjadi juruterbang, Makanan kegemaran Fabrigas adalah sotong masak asam pedas. Fabrigas berasal dari Kuala Lumpur. Umurnya adalah 60 tahun. Van Persie adalah kawan baik Fabrigas. Umur Van Persie adalah 70 tahun. Cita-cita dia adalah polis.
Amin: Spontan

Amysha: Di sebuah planet, ada sebuah keluarga makhluk asing. Di dalam keluarga tersebut, ada ayah, mak dan anak perempuan. Nama ayah ialah Haikal, nama ibunya adalah Zalina dan anak Mysha. Umur haikal adalah 40 tahun. Umur Zalina adalah 30 tahun manakala umur mysha 9 tahun. Mereka tinggal di Kangar Perlis. Haikal berkerja sebagai polis. Zalina pula berkerja sebagai kedai makanan. Mysha bercita-cita sebagai seorang doktor. Kegemaran Mysha adalah Laksa Perlis. Mysha sangat sayang kepada kedua ibubapanya. Warna kegemaran Mysha adalah biru muda. Apabila Mysha besar, dia ingin menjaga kedua ibubapanya. Merekan mempunyai sebuah kereta angkasa yang sangat laju.
Mustakim: Nama alien ini adalah Ronaldinho dan Ronaldo. Umurnya adalah 80 tahun. Di dalam laut ini ada seorang pahlawan naga. Dia makan nasi dan air susu. Mereka mempunyai 2o orang tentera. Cita-cita Ronaldo adalah askar, Ronaldinho bomba. Mereka ini mempunyai sebuah kapal angkasa yang lebih laju. Di dalam laut in ada satu peti harta karun. Di situ juga ada haiwan yang jahat yang bernama Almunia dan Van Persie.
Naqiu: Spontan
Aideed: Spontan

Saffiyyah: Makhluk asing ini adalah Malikus. Nama bandar in Afrika. Malikus suka main bola. Malikus suka makan roti. Malikus suka makan orang. Warna kegemaran Malikus adalah merah dan hijau. Malikus adalah seorang yang jahat. Malikus selalu memburu makhluk asing lain untuk memakan mereka. Makhluk asing lain berasa sangat takut.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
First Project: Nasyiatul Aisyiah
Hey2, Assalamualaikum,
Oha!! Okay, entry kali nie focusing mengenai projek first yg my beloved group of friends and I were doing. Projek nie kami buat di sebuah rumah prihatin di Balik Pulau, Rumah Nasyiatul Aisyiah namanya. Rumah nie rumah prihatin persendirian, diasaskan oleh sepasang suami isteri, ustaz dan ustazah (tok dan tok wan) yg menempatkan anak2 yatim, miskin, mahupun yg terbiar. Serius ckp, meremang roma dgr cerita kesungguhan tok dan tok wan nie dlm buat kerja2 amal nie, bukan setahun dua, tp sejak umur awal 20an smpi laa skrg, umur dh hampir 60 tahun rsnya. Daripada rumah sekangkang kera sampai laa beli tanah nak buat rumah yg proper utk adik2 tu. Anak sendiri dah 8 org, bela lagi anak org lg 20 org. Huh, seriously, mula2 bila ke sana, igtkan cm best gak laa diri sendiri nie sbb akhirnya dpt gak cari jalan utk berbakti kepada org lain, tp bila berdepan dgn org cm tok dan tok wan nie, baru tau langit tu tinggi rendah. Bak dinasour dgn kutu beras rasanya.
So, pada hari kejadian, 08/08/09, kami ke sana utk first event. Tho as I said in the last post, semuanya tak ada experience mengajar pun, still sebulat suara kami rasa at least kena bagi test kat adik2 nie utk tau level dorg and things should start from that. Setibanya kt sana, kami disambut ngn drama; ada seorang adik nie tgh termenung, sambil menangis kt tangga sbb gaduh dgn abang yg lebih tua. Hahaha. Memang kelakar scene tu and I'm very sure none of us that day will forget that. Haha. Aiman memang comel. Lepas dah settle semuanya, kami pun mulakan program dengan sesi berkenalan. Here are some of the shots taken by Imah a.k.a Ms D.

Semasa sesi berkenalan tu, kami minta adik-adik nie beritahu cita-cita masing-masing. Memang hebat2 impian dorg nie. Some of them, (from left top) Khairul nak jadi Sarjan, Aiman nak jadi Leftenan, Mustakim nak jadi Pilot, Aideed nak jadi Kapten, Safiyyah nak jadi Leftenan, Sharul nak jadi Angkasawan, Amysha nak jadi Doktor. Ada bnyk lagi yg xsempat nak tunjuk kat sini. Harap2, mudah2an kita dapat sedikit sebanyak membantu mereka mengejar cita-cita mereka. =)

So, begitu lah sedikit sebanyak gambar yang sempat dirakamkan. Alhamdulillah objektif kami pada hari tu tercapai. Langkah seterusnya adalah untuk menyediakan sistem pengajaran-pembelajaran yang seronok dan efektif (fun in learning) bagi adik-adik ni insya'allah. Pada Oct 3, 2009 kami akan kembali lagi untuk Icebreaking dan kelas tuisyen akan bermula sepenuhnya pada minggu seterusnya, insya'Allah =).
Oklah, penat dah menulis rasanya. Anyway, last but not least, my fav pic of all; Stare of Hopes by Safiyyah. Mudah2an Allah akan mencekalkan semangat kami untuk menyayangi mereka, untuk menghargai mereka dan untuk tidak beranjak sedikit pun ke belakang utk membantu mereka mencapai impian mereka. Aminn..

~Oh precious babies, dry up your tears for nothing but happiness is written in your coming days~
Diriwayatkan daripada dari Sahl bin Saad r.a katanya: Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. telah bersabda :"Aku dan orang yang memelihara anak yatim adalah di dalam syurga seperti ini." Sambil Baginda menunjuk dengan kedua jarinya -jari telunjuk dan jari tengah (yang dirapatkannya). Hadis Riwayat Al-Bukhari.
Tuhanku, aku tidak layak ke syurga-Mu, namun tidak pula aku sanggup untuk ke neraka-Mu. Dari itu kurniakanlah keampunan kepadaku, ampunkanlah dosaku, sesungguhnya Dikau lah pengampun dosa-dosa besar. Moga kita beroleh keberkatan dari-Nya. Aminn.
Friday, August 28, 2009
What We Can Do?
Assalamualaikum, Welcome back!
Okay, now here's the ideas of activities;
Rather than providing financial aids, we prefer to teach them on how to fish (thanks mom for this!) So, here's some of the things.
1. Free Tuition for orphans
Well, we have started phase 1 for an orphans home in Balik Pulau Penang. With 11 volunteers, we are going to cover for 18 students on weekly basis. As the very basic concept of volunteering is not to burden the volunteers, we'll do rounds of shifts, every Saturday, 9.00am~12.00pm, where each volunteers will only need to come for alternate week (twice a month). The teaching sure'll be a challenging one, but the planning is even more. But hold no worries, if you are interested in this, just drop us your email/contact no and location. You will not probably be joining our group of 11, but even better, you'll work with your own crew and independantly. Yess, you'll get more freedom to shape the program and it'll do everyones good by enabling more creative ideas/systems and we can share it out. We won't be your leader or anything coz I think if a guy is willingly joining a volunteering activities, automatically he's entitled to become the leader of his own. :) So, what we'll do is we'll try our very best to allocate another 9 members (as in a group of 10), find the nearest orphanage and possible funds. =)
2. Motivational Camps/Talks
This one is not on routine basis and more on by project works. As for our current group of 11, we already have a master planner of Icebreaking and motivational camps, the awesome Ms B. So, we also welcome anyone to work with her, sharing ideas etc. However, most importantly, this motivational camps will be giving true/real exposure of profession out there to this kids so that they will know the insight of each profession and help them to decide their ambitions since their younger days.
Okay, now here's the ideas of activities;
Rather than providing financial aids, we prefer to teach them on how to fish (thanks mom for this!) So, here's some of the things.
1. Free Tuition for orphans
Well, we have started phase 1 for an orphans home in Balik Pulau Penang. With 11 volunteers, we are going to cover for 18 students on weekly basis. As the very basic concept of volunteering is not to burden the volunteers, we'll do rounds of shifts, every Saturday, 9.00am~12.00pm, where each volunteers will only need to come for alternate week (twice a month). The teaching sure'll be a challenging one, but the planning is even more. But hold no worries, if you are interested in this, just drop us your email/contact no and location. You will not probably be joining our group of 11, but even better, you'll work with your own crew and independantly. Yess, you'll get more freedom to shape the program and it'll do everyones good by enabling more creative ideas/systems and we can share it out. We won't be your leader or anything coz I think if a guy is willingly joining a volunteering activities, automatically he's entitled to become the leader of his own. :) So, what we'll do is we'll try our very best to allocate another 9 members (as in a group of 10), find the nearest orphanage and possible funds. =)
2. Motivational Camps/Talks
This one is not on routine basis and more on by project works. As for our current group of 11, we already have a master planner of Icebreaking and motivational camps, the awesome Ms B. So, we also welcome anyone to work with her, sharing ideas etc. However, most importantly, this motivational camps will be giving true/real exposure of profession out there to this kids so that they will know the insight of each profession and help them to decide their ambitions since their younger days.
A dream is always of what one needs to stay in the right track. With a dream in mind, no one will have time to play slack.
Anyway, it is really sad to say that since all 11 of us are totally engineers, we have no experience in any other field and thus really welcome those who's willing to help. This activity is simple. Let us know that you are interested, so, whenever there is a camp, we'll drop you an email/give us a call. Of course, let us know your whereabout as well so that we could be more considerate. Ahah!
3. Occasional activities
We haven't started any of this yet, but maybe, once this network become bigger, we could do some trip, missions of spreading love to old folks or helping unfortunate families building home or anything to help. Any excess money, we could help to contribute something that the person could use to generate income from it. Unless really badly in need, let's try to avoid donating food as I know there's a lot of organization/warm-hearted donors that already serve this purpose. Remember, rather than giving a fish to a man, let's try to teach the guy on how to fish ;) Of course more time and effort is needed for this but, if we do it for ALLAH, nothing will go as waste ;)
Well, I think it's about time for my doc to make his round now, so I'll stop here. In case of you are interested, do get in touch with us. Provide us with your name, email or possible phone no, choice of volunteering activities and location. I promise we'll get back to you asap. Till then, cya! Salam! ^.^
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Why Bother? From People To People ;)
Assalamualaikum all.
Hello there! Okay, tell you what, some have been asking me on why should we bother, why offer ourselves to volunteering works as even us, ourselves are just living the humblest life.. hidup cukup2 makan jer. Well, bro n sis.. honestly, it'll be because as we hidup cuma cukup2 makan jer, we think that, there are others whom still have to live tak cukup makan. While we are complaining with that 2.5k salary per month aren't enough, there are others that have to live without even a house to stay, a bed to sleep to begin with.
Besides, have you ever feel annoyed that you find yourself complaining about how sick is the world now? Or talk about how dirty the politics are nowadays or blaming either the government or opposition as they provide nothing good for the society, for the people? Talk about how the rules need to be stricten up, the poors and elderly need to be loved, bad guys need to be striped down and punished? And the lists go on? Well, I got news for you. Quit complaining. Every one of us has our own role. Stop blaming people, stop pointing others and do what you can do. Grow up and make the change that you want. It is not the government, or the politicians that make a society, it is people whom creating it and living it up. Everyone is responsible for his/her own civil responsibility. If we wanna live in a good society, so make one. Whining won't do any good. If the authorities, government, opposition, politicians failed to play their roles, then shame on them, but if YOU yourself also failed to play your role in creating the society that you want, it is SHAME ON YOU.
Of course, as for moslems, it's even more important, coz it's a must, Amal ma'ruf wa nahi munkar. Jgn kita asyik lihat kesalahan org, ckp org nie xpakai tudung la, xsolat la, xpuasa la, minum arak la, anjing jijik la. I'm not saying yg perbuatan as mentioned above tu betul (except, pasal anjing, terlalu banyak misconception n do bear in mind, dia juga makhluk Allah), tutup aurat, puasa, solat, jauhi arak is a MUST, but YOU as the one who's complaining, are you any better? Is that only; aurat, puasa, solat, jauhi arak that make us moslem? Ajaran Islam, agama suci ini, baik dari Al-Quran mahupun teladan yg ditunjukkan oleh Rasulullah SAW is MUCH MORE THAN THAT and I think, you know it better. So, don't be a loser, realize your own responsibility, grab the chance and let's together reach out for others. ;) Ahaa.. in case this facts serve right to you, check out the suggested lists of activities that you preferred most and get in touch with us, okay? =)
Hence, this blog will work as a starting platform of networks among volunteers, wherever they are and whatever they do. Hey, no one could live with all just themselves, especially when you plan to do something good. Friends and networks will do you good to support you when you are about to fall or even when encounter roadblocks and together will celebrates with you whenever you found success.
It's still raining outside and I'm stopping now. Okie dokie, do check out the next post for activities, then buzz us will ya? Till then! =)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Yokoso! ^.^
Assalamualaikum, Yo all! ;)
Yeah2, I've been dragging my feet for far too long to complete this blog, and I really am sorry for that. Like I've told you friends before, I've found my limit (which is I'm totally blur whenever I'm facing this blue screen with a B symbol with it), but guess what, after series of unfortunate events, hey, I'm writing it now! So, for whatever it is happening now, I'm totally thankful for it. Soon, this blog should be up and flying and those dreams are again to be realized, once again. =)
By the way, hey readers, not to forget, I'd like to warmly welcome you guys for still tuning-in. I'm truly a newcomer and never wrote any blog for these 26 years (and 10 months :P) that I've lived, so, forgive me for any annoyance and also for any ignorances that I might carry around with me, will ya? And ya, frankly speaking, this blog is not exclusively meant only for that group of great, awesome friends of mine, rather, you are our VVIP, the center and main focus of this blog. Why? Ahaa.. you'll find out soon. ^_^
Okie, so, enough about that. Let's talk more about why this blog is being setup and what is this VP project is all about. VP stands for Volunteering Program and like the name accurately describe, it is meant to inspired us to do any volunteering a.k.a charity works, especially for the unfortunates. Strictly no political bias. Both muslims and non-muslims are very much welcomed. Even so, we strongly encourage muslims to take parts in these activities. The actual reason for this is, as ashamed as we are to the fact, in contradict to Islam teaching, it true, muslims especially in malaysia are still lacking in contributing to volunteering/charity activities, unlike budists, hindus and christians out there. We hope to change that. We hope to be at least able to create environment for intelligent, warm, kind and with giving heart of TRUE moslem as actually required by our god, Allah. Thus, I'm truly sorry for this selfishness.
Okay, I think it's long enough for the moment :P. Anyway, if you guys ever wonder why would you wanna do it, do check out the next post okay. See ya then! :)
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