Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why Bother? From People To People ;)

Assalamualaikum all.
Hello there! Okay, tell you what, some have been asking me on why should we bother, why offer ourselves to volunteering works as even us, ourselves are just living the humblest life.. hidup cukup2 makan jer. Well, bro n sis.. honestly, it'll be because as we hidup cuma cukup2 makan jer, we think that, there are others whom still have to live tak cukup makan. While we are complaining with that 2.5k salary per month aren't enough, there are others that have to live without even a house to stay, a bed to sleep to begin with.

Besides, have you ever feel annoyed that you find yourself complaining about how sick is the world now? Or talk about how dirty the politics are nowadays or blaming either the government or opposition as they provide nothing good for the society, for the people? Talk about how the rules need to be stricten up, the poors and elderly need to be loved, bad guys need to be striped down and punished? And the lists go on? Well, I got news for you. Quit complaining. Every one of us has our own role. Stop blaming people, stop pointing others and do what you can do. Grow up and make the change that you want. It is not the government, or the politicians that make a society, it is people whom creating it and living it up. Everyone is responsible for his/her own civil responsibility. If we wanna live in a good society, so make one. Whining won't do any good. If the authorities, government, opposition, politicians failed to play their roles, then shame on them, but if YOU yourself also failed to play your role in creating the society that you want, it is SHAME ON YOU.

Of course, as for moslems, it's even more important, coz it's a must, Amal ma'ruf wa nahi munkar. Jgn kita asyik lihat kesalahan org, ckp org nie xpakai tudung la, xsolat la, xpuasa la, minum arak la, anjing jijik la. I'm not saying yg perbuatan as mentioned above tu betul (except, pasal anjing, terlalu banyak misconception n do bear in mind, dia juga makhluk Allah), tutup aurat, puasa, solat, jauhi arak is a MUST, but YOU as the one who's complaining, are you any better? Is that only; aurat, puasa, solat, jauhi arak that make us moslem? Ajaran Islam, agama suci ini, baik dari Al-Quran mahupun teladan yg ditunjukkan oleh Rasulullah SAW is MUCH MORE THAN THAT and I think, you know it better. So, don't be a loser, realize your own responsibility, grab the chance and let's together reach out for others. ;) Ahaa.. in case this facts serve right to you, check out the suggested lists of activities that you preferred most and get in touch with us, okay? =)
Hence, this blog will work as a starting platform of networks among volunteers, wherever they are and whatever they do. Hey, no one could live with all just themselves, especially when you plan to do something good. Friends and networks will do you good to support you when you are about to fall or even when encounter roadblocks and together will celebrates with you whenever you found success.

It's still raining outside and I'm stopping now. Okie dokie, do check out the next post for activities, then buzz us will ya? Till then! =)

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